Ever wondered why you feel blocked, fearful, suspicious, nervous or distrusting in a personal or close and potentially positive relationship context?

I just got an email from Nicolas Ortner (www.TheTappingSolution.com). He shares a process that helps you to open your heart to love, to be more loving, to accept love when it comes your way, instead of taking the “secure” road that protects you but keeps you from experiencing the love we all yearn for.

I assume you know the tapping process? It is the Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, and you can check it out at www.eftuniverse.com, download a free manual, or come work with me to get to know it 😉

HERE IS A VIDEO teaching you the process, too. There are a few more points used in the EFT-Routine, but the video gives the general idea.

So, here is the routine, enjoy! Here you go:

Take a deep breath and close your eyes (obviously read
all of this first and then close your eyes!)

Say out loud, “My heart is open”

Say it again.

Ask yourself, “How true does this feel, on a 0-10 scale?”

10 being completely true.

Once you have the number, and unless it’s a 10, start

If you’re not familiar with the points or process, you
can find them here:


Karate Chop: Even though my heart isn’t fully open…
I deeply and completely accept myself.

Karate Chop: Even though my heart isn’t fully open..
I choose to allow more love to flow in.

Karate Chop: Even though my heart isn’t fully open…
I chose to recognize what’s keeping it closed and
let it go.

Eyebrow: My heart isn’t fully open…
Side of the eye: Something’s keeping it closed…
Under Eye: My heart isn’t fully open…
Under Nose: It’s not safe to love fully…
Under Mouth: I’m not willing to open my heart…
Collarbone: It’s been hurt too many times before….
Under Arm: My heart isn’t fully open….
Top of the Head: My heart is partially closed…

Eyebrow: My heart isn’t fully open…
Side of the eye: But it’s somewhat open…
Under Eye: And it’s opening up more right now…
Under Nose: I am becoming aware of what’s keeping
my heart closed…
Under Mouth: And I release these pains now…
Collarbone: I release whatever is keeping my heart closed…
Under Arm: And I commit to clearing this pain…
Top of the Head: Letting it all go….

Notice what came up, and if it’s something specific,
tap on that specifically.

You might want to run through this several times.

Let me know what happens for you! 🙂