Career Development By Changing WHY You Act

Taking your career to the next level, doing something that you really love and that ignites your flame, experiencing meaning in what you do so many hours a day, and being rewarded accordingly – those are some of our client’s  core goals for their career development.

Whether you want to create your own business or find a better job in your field, when having a vision, goals, and pursuing a change by action don’t bring the desired outcome, you have to look inside. Do you feel that you’ve done all the things you used to do, or all the things others do, but this time and for you it just doesn’t work? That is a very frustrating experience.

The Power Of An Action Lies Within

At ReSource Yourself, I teach people that the power of an action to bring you results has a lot to do with your inner state – your emotions, your attitude, your mind-set. The higher the energy or consciousness level you experience when doing an action, the more impact it will have in the world.

Bluntly said: If you think positive thoughts, belief in yourself, and in your project, and feel positive emotions, you will get things done and reach the change you are looking for. If you are going for a change that makes your heart sing and awakens your passion and happiness, you will be contagious to other people and they will want to support you.

The whole idea of career development in this context is helping you to access a positive inner state that will allow you to take actions that matter and bring results.

The problem is that our emotions and our mindset are frequently not in our awareness, and many times influence our experience subconsciously. We have not learnt to be aware of our own inner parts that hold us back, and limit us.

When we are frustrated and don’t reach our goals, it is quite likely that we experience a lack of motivation to even try, a low tolerance for (what we perceive as) failure, lots of pressure to make it work, and self-sabotage in many forms. Interestingly, this experience can be very specific to anything that would actually advance your career. Frequently, very successful people who surely have reached a lot in the past, experience what I call the “glass ceiling”, the point of growth where their subconscious parts just don’t let them get ahead and limit their success, the flow of life, and their happiness.

It doesn’t matter if we find ourselves in a situation where we feel blocked and powerless at the beginning of our professional career or at a point well into our work path. Life brings us the perfect conditions to evolve, grow, expand, and become who we are meant to be, at any moment. So, career development is a systematic approach that can be interesting at any point of your work life.

Change Your Inner State To Develop Your Career

So what’s the solution? How to get out of this vicious circle? The solution is getting into a different energetic space, where you experience different emotions – about yourself, your dream, your possibilities of reaching it and making it your reality.

I invite my clients to do things the other way around: To first get into alignment with success, feel like a success, bring about positive ways of thinking and perceiving that they would already have if they were already successful. And then, from the inner place of success, move into action.

When you do that, it is easy to change things. You learn how to bring in positive energy into your system, and how to avoid and dissolve the negative energy you carry. Make no mistake, it is a deep change that may affect even who you feel you are. But, it is not hard. It is not a fight. It is not stressful. It is a dance that moves you between lifting yourself out of your doubts and negativity, and acting in the right moment, from a place of self-love and peace that carries you and allows you to express your own power.

If this interests you, here you can read more about our support for your career.